


Modeling of Maritime Activities and Uses in the Arcachon Basin

The MAcUMBA research project, co-lead by the laboratory LETG-Brest (UMR 6554 CNRS / UBO) and the Parc Naturel Marin du Bassin d’Arcachon (PNM-BA), is part of the implementation of the PNM-BA’s monitoring program of maritime uses. The project, initiated in 2022, aims at carrying a diagnosis of the frequentation and the flows in the PNM-BA by the production of thematic syntheses describing the various maritime activities, of information likely to be mobilized within the framework of analysis of the potential interactions and the identification of explanatory factors of the spatio-temporal distribution of the activities.

Geo4Seas is involved in the project on different tasks:

  • the assistance for the acquisition and structuration of data,
  • the expertise for the analysis of specific data (AIS),
  • the co-supervision of post-doctoral work.

The project is financed by the Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB).