


Socio-ecosystem approach to the impact of offshore floating wind farms

The main objective of this project is to build a new approach combining natural sciences and human and social sciences, in order to measure the effects of floating offshore wind farms on the functioning of coastal socio-ecosystems and to propose decision support tools.

The APPEAL project will contribute more broadly to the identification and measurement of the ecological and socio-economic challenges posed by MRE projects. It is supported by the LEMAR.

Geo4Seas contributes to this project by providing:

  • its expertise in Maritime Spatial Planning,
  • the development of a methodology, based on spatial optimization, that can identify areas for offshore wind farms implants of fewer constraints based on biological, economic and social indicators.

This project receives support from the French National Research Agency under the Investissements d’Avenir (ANR-10-IEED-0006-25) programme and from France Energies Marines.

More informations on France Energies Marines website